English My Poems

Inner Space

Everybody asks Space,
but nobody wants to give,
because everybody fears
to lose his space…….

I don’t believe it
to be true,
who really knows
how much space
he has,
and how much space
he really need…………..

Nobody really is aware of
about his space,
the extent, periphery
and circumference;
all are really

I sincerely believe
that everybody carved out his
own space……….

God has enabled
everybody to be
the architect of
his own destiny………

Now, it depends on
each individual
to think in deep within,
to ascertain
what he wants

What space he is
really looking for,
and for what?

Are we so stingy
and frugal too
that we do not
want to give up,
or it is our unfounded
fear to lose
the unarticulated
so called space?

This or That
struggle is yours;
the conflict is not with anybody else
between your
Mind and Soul…………

Mind is your own deceptive creation,
Soul is uncontaminated,
unadulterated pure
but uncreated by you.
and hence,
does not belong to You……….

Then, why this
excessive and unwanted
of the Non-Existent, Non-Real
Imaginary Space………….

I tell you that
nobody can really
rob your Inner Space,
Unless you feel
You are losing……….

(c) Mukund Bhalerao
Chatrapati Sambhaji Nagar,
Maharashtra State
22-03-2023 / 21:25

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